So, you’ve not played on the links as much and you’ve been invited to play. Don’t worry, here is our beginner’s guide to golf to help you nail that technique for both men and lady golfers.
How To Hold A Golf Club
- Position your club waist-high and parallel to the ground and square the club face.
- When you take hold of the club, always grab it with your left hand first. Make sure the club handle is aligned diagonally across your fingers, starting with your left palm.
- Your left hand should grip the club, with your palm resting on the handle’s top edge (with the handle still visible).
- Look at your left hand when you rotate it to see two knuckles. This is a great starting point for many golfers, who tend to have a neutral grip.
- The heel of your right hand should be positioned on top of your left thumb, covering it. Close your hand so your thumb and forefinger form a ‘V’ that points to the centre of your sternum.
Types of Grips
10-finger Grip – This gripping technique, “10-finger grip,” is favoured by few professionals but is preferred by new players as a result of its comfort.
Overlapping Grip – One of the most common golf grips is known as the overlapping or “vardon” grip. In this grip, you position your pinkie finger in the ridge between your other hand’s index and middle fingers.
Interlocking Grip- To start, you interlink the index fingers of one hand with the pinkie fingers of the other hand to decrease the distance between them.
How To Swing A Golf Club
Neutral Grip – A solid grip is fundamental to a good swing. To establish a stable grip position, crunch your fingers about halfway down the club, then place your lead hand (right hand for left-handers) on top and wrap it around the club. First, grasp the club with your lead hand’s thumb and “cuddle” it with your other hand. The thumbs should be aligned and the club held between the fingers.
Posture- The posture during the swing is an important part. Bend your knees and then lean forward into an athletic position, keeping your arms in front of you.
Backswing Motion- Rotating back and getting your weight in your right heel is the key to movement in your golf swing. Get into your posture and then push off the ground with your lead foot in order to accomplish this.
Balanced Finish- When you finish your approach shot, you want to make sure that both sides of your body are equally involved to maintain your balance. If you don’t halt your forward momentum after impact, you’ll finish with great balance.
Tempo – When you swing the ball, you’ll want to have a smooth and even swing. Start your swing slowly, and then gradually increase the speed of your swing as you turn to finish.
How To Hit A Golf Ball
Getting Ready To Address the Ball – When preparing to address the ball (Positioning the clubhead behind the ball on the ground), you should consider which type of club you are using. With longer clubs, your hands will form a straight line with the club, and the ball will be positioned higher in your stance, closer to your lead foot. When using a shorter club, the club handle and shaft are tilted slightly toward the target, making your stance, posture, and final address a bit different.
Step 1 For Swing: The Takeaway
The takeaway is the first phase of your swing, which is normally the first 12 to 18 inches. It can produce a wonderful or a terrible shot, depending on how it is performed. Begin by using your shoulders and arms to pull the club away from the ball. Your wrists should gradually hinge as your arms stay straight.
Step 2 For Swing: The Backswing
Your lead arm should remain straight as your body goes even further back during the backswing. It is important to bend your lead knee (normally the left one) at the ball during the backswing. Slightly turn your hips and begin shifting your weight towards your trailing foot. Many golfers attempt to keep their head aligned with their body.
Step 3 For Swing: The Downswing
During your downswing, everything you unwound in the backswing is reversed. The downswing is the quickest phase of the swing because it contributes to the ball’s velocity and distance. Begin by shifting your weight to your lead foot, and then turn your hips toward the target, followed by your arms and shoulders.
Step 4 For Swing: The Follow Through
Your follow-through is just as important as your initial hit. Your hips should face the target at the end of your swing, and the club should be swung over your lead shoulder. Your weight should be on your lead foot (normally your left foot). The only part of your other foot that should be touching the ground is the tip. You should be able to maintain this follow-through position for at least 10 seconds (or longer).
If you can master the grip and swing, you will be on your way but practise is key. There are plenty of great golf courses around the UK and Europe to practise on, and there are best deals for Spain golf holidays available all year round.